New life in Northern Thailand

The power of Jesus has set them free from fear, bringing peace and light to their formerly dark, fearful lives. Walk with us as we meander through the village of Baan Den, perched on a steep ridge in the mountainous region of Nan province, in northern Thailand. Watch the chickens scratching in the dry red […]

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Free from Fear

Sei’s heart races as the sound of the vehicle winding its way up the steep slopes leading into Huay Me village reaches her ears. She straightens up, drops the tools she has been using to plant her dry rice and races back to her village. In her haste to meet Ajan Amnuay, Sei slips over, […]

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Love drives out all fear

We sit with Buai, six other evangelists and Pastor Amnuay. Her face lights up as she speaks of her joy in being able to share the good news of Jesus with people (the Lua people), living in Huay Mee village in the mountainous Nan region in Northern Thailand. Over recent years, Jesus’ love has come […]

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When the heart goes out to the slums of Bangkok

  ‘No amount of information, before we arrived, could have prepared us for the work that lay ahead as we entered Home of Praise for the first time. While we had anticipated some of the improvements needed, little did the team understand the enormity of the work that would need to be completed in just […]

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Making all things new

Making all things new was the aim of the LCA International Mission Team on a trip to Thailand in January this year. Part of our trip involved going to the Home of Praise, which is a community centre under the highway in the middle of the Klong Toey community in the slums of Bangkok. The […]

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The Gift

Lying here, I feel love washing over me, covering me head to toe, the inevitable inbound wave. I can’t avoid it. I feel the gift of life, just now, just in this moment. I am in hospital with my baby in my arms. My beautiful baby boy. I relish the joy of him…his perfect mouth […]

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Missionary Simon Mackenzie returns to Australia

New and exciting mission and ministry challenges lie ahead for Pastor Simon Mackenzie who has returned to Australia in October 2013 together with his wife Oiy and son after serving as the LCA missionary with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Thailand (ELCT) since 2005. Simon is now preparing to begin ministry together with Pastor Mark […]

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Love is Everywhere

It was an honour to be chosen by Lutheran Women Australia (LWA) to visit our partner churches with Glenice Hartwich, and later Kendrea Rhodes, on an amazing journey. During our time on this overseas partner church visit, we met many different inspiring, God-fearing, nurturing people of Jesus. We started off this remarkable journey in the […]

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Showing 51 to 60 of 88 results
LCA International Mission