Birthing Kits – an overseas embrace

“Thankyou for the heart you have and God bless” Lupsy The Birthing Kit project is one of the ways that LCA International Mission provides practical support for women at the grassroots, in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Having responsibility for this project is one of the joys of being a program officer for this country partnership. […]

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Pastor, Missionary, Teacher – A Tribute to John Strelan

Many readers of Border Crossings would know that one of our former missionaries, Dr John Strelan, died recently. ‘Joe’, as he was usually known, was born in 1936, the third of ten children born to Peter and Erica Strelan, nee Appelt. As a young fellow he studied at Concordia College and Seminary, graduating in 1959. […]

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God had other plans

‘We are witnesses of God’s great work being done through you to us here at the Heldsbach Kindergarten Schools Project.’ – Project Coordinator Taningnao. Heldsbach, near Finschhafen on Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) Huon Peninsula east of Lae, is a special place for people of the St Paul’s Hahndorf/Redeemer Nairne Lutheran parish in the Adelaide Hills. […]

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Life – a journey worth embracing

Anyone who has willingly hiked 1100 kilometres has to love the journey. For 68-year-old Queenslander Anne Maczkowiack, walking the 800 kilometre Camino De Santiago trail across Spain was only a part of a post-retirement reward in 2014. She and husband Robert decided to add an extra 300 kilometres to start from Barcelona. That says something […]

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Is God calling you to PNG?

The people of the Lutheran churches in Papua New Guinea (PNG) hold a special place in the hearts of many LCA/NZ members. In fact, our history cannot be fully told without constant reference to our mission partnership in PNG and the many LCA people who have served there since 1886. What began as a mother-child […]

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Joyful reunions at Goroka anniversary celebration

Several key Australian missionaries and their families recently went back to Papua New Guinea to celebrate the 50th anniversary of St John’s Lutheran Church, West Goroka. The anniversary celebrations took place over three days from 27–29 September, which included a service, a one-day seminar and a cultural show featuring traditional dancing. Pastor Brian Schwarz and […]

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LCA International Mission