Help for Grandma!

Nong Va is a little girl living under the busy highway within a two minute walk to Home of Praise, a school run by the ELCT (Evangelical Lutheran Church of Thailand). Nong Va is only 2 years old, but has already experienced many painful things in her life. She has never known her dad, and […]

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The Importance of English for the Bibelvrouw College

The Bibelvrouw College, or Women’s Bible College is, as its name reveals, a Bible College for women and girls. It was founded in Batak lands, North Sumatra, Indonesia by a German missionary in 1934. She was Sister Elfriede Harder, a missionary of the Rheinische Mission Geselschaft (RMG), which is now the United Evangelical Mission (UEM) […]

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Blessed to build up Christ’s body

More than 450 participants gathered in Malaysia for the 38th Synod of the Protestant Church in Sabah (PCS), focusing on the theme ‘Memberkari Sesama Membangun Tubuh Kristus – ‘to bless each other to build the body of Christ’. Three were from the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA) – volunteers Ilene and Pastor John Thiel and […]

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Youth find global perspective

Horas! Welcome from Indonesia. We have had the most wonderful opportunity to meet and learn from the people of the HKBP (Huria Kristen Batak Protestan) church here, thanks to LCA International Mission. HKBP held its 2018 Youth International Conference from 29 August to 2 September in North Sumatra and we were fortunate to attend as […]

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New international mission leader for LCA

Pastor Matt Anker will take on the Lutheran Church of Australia’s senior international mission role as the next Assistant to the Bishop – International Mission. Pastor Matt, who has been pastor for Victoria’s Goulburn Murray Parish since 2007, will succeed Mrs Glenice Hartwich, who is retiring from the role. He will begin a transition into […]

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God can use our gifts for His good

Never be surprised how God will use you! After both my children had participated in mission trips I felt God had put on my heart to one day be involved in His service overseas. Earlier this year, I received a message from Erin from LCA International Mission, asking if I would be interested in helping […]

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Australians attend Ecumenical Youth Assembly in Indonesia

On 6-13 April 2018, we attended the Asian Ecumenical Youth Assembly (AEYA), joining over 350 young people from 23 countries across Asia, representing over 100 churches, denominations, and ecumenical councils. This, only the third event of its kind, was organised by the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) and held in Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. The […]

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Seasons are a very real part of our lives and a change in season gives us cause to both look ahead with anticipation at the changes happening as well as to reflect back at the blessing the current season has given to us. For more than 15 years, Lutheran Women Australia (LWA) have supported Debora […]

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This is Josip with me

Josip is a pastor of the Protestant Christian Church in Sabah, Malaysia, and he is one of the students with whom I recently worked at the Sabah Theological Seminary (STS) in Kota Kinabalu. Josip is working towards his Master of Divinity, and my task was to act as his tutor in a guided study unit […]

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LCA International Mission