God does the impossible

My husband Michael and I were very surprised to read an email from Abdi Sabda Seminary in Indonesia, requesting that ‘Michael and Debbie Borgas help us with our English Program online’. We had no idea how our names were chosen, aside from the fact that prior to COVID-19, we had been in some discussion to […]

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No longer broken

‘I’m no longer broken!’ These words, spoken two years ago by a pastor who is a leader in an LCA partner church of 300,000 people in Indonesia, continue to touch my heart and remind me of the power of the gospel. As I began a four-hour seminar with leaders of that church, along with their […]

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From darkness into Christ’s light

Living in the physical darkness of the Indonesian rainforest and the spiritual darkness of the religion of their ancestors, the Suku Anak Dalam are a nomadic people from Sumatra who survive by hunting, foraging and trading. Otherwise known as the Sanak people, their name roughly translates as ‘people of the forest’. With no access to […]

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Easter joy in cultural celebrations

‘Selamat Hari Paskah’ means ‘Happy Easter’ for members of the Batak churches of Indonesia. Easter is an all-day celebration despite being a regular workday for most in this predominantly-Muslim South-East Asian nation. Women play a particularly important role in traditional observances which, in many places, begin at 5.00am. Pre-dawn prayer and song In rural areas, […]

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New Lutheran Study Centre to benefit from partnership

Recently Rev Matt Anker, Assistant to the Bishop – LCA International Mission, and Australian Lutheran College (ALC) Principal, James Winderlich, signed an agreement that will see LCA International Mission and ALC jointly support the continuing development of a Lutheran Study Centre in Pematang Siantar, North Sumatra, Indonesia. With LCA International Mission managing this partner-church relationship, […]

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Fifteen years in Debora

In 2004, Rosemary Winderlich resigned from several positions and completed a TESOL course (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). For the next 15 years she was a ViMO (Volunteer in Mission Overseas), with the Angkola Church, a very small, very isolated Batak church in Indonesia, then to Debora Home, also in Indonesia. Panti Asuhan […]

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Luther Study Centre opens in Indonesia

The inauguration of the Luther Study Centre (LSC) in Pemetangsiantar in northern Sumatra has realised a long-held hope of the Lutheran churches of Indonesia. The centre was opened on 4 December 2020, as members of the Indonesian churches were joined online by friends and partners from around the world. Although COVID-19 robbed the participants of […]

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Learning and teaching as a reconciled child of God

I was blessed to have the opportunity to attend a Biblical Reconciliation workshop in Pematangsiantar, North Sumatra, in 2019. These workshops aim to equip and encourage pastors and teachers in Indonesia, and are offered as a service of the Lutheran Church of Australia. The workshop was based on six lessons: Remember whose you are Repent […]

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LCA International Mission