Good News for newcomers to Singapore

By Nevin Nitschke

In the 1980s, as Singaporeans made plans to build the tall infrastructure that fills their skyline today, many workers were recruited from other countries, including Thailand, to provide the labour. The Lutheran Church in Malaysia and Singapore (LCMS) realised a need to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to Thai people who were living and […]

In the 1980s, as Singaporeans made plans to build the tall infrastructure that fills their skyline today, many workers were recruited from other countries, including Thailand, to provide the labour.

The Lutheran Church in Malaysia and Singapore (LCMS) realised a need to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to Thai people who were living and working in Singapore. The Thai Good News Centre (TGNC) was established in 1989, as a partnership between LCMS and missionaries from the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission and the Norwegian Mission Society.

In August 1996, the TGNC was recognised as a congregation of LCMS and then in March 1998 as part of the Lutheran Church in Singapore (LCS). Since its formation, 17 men who received support at the centre have come to know Jesus. After their return to Thailand, these men studied theology at Luther Seminary before returning to their home villages and starting churches.

Rosanna Hutagalung, a former missionary who served in Thailand, is now supervising ministry at the centre. As a young woman, she spent a year at the TGNC as an Intern while studying at Singapore Bible College. She served in Thailand for 18 years, returning to Singapore for three months of furlough in 2020. But COVID-19 struck, borders were closed, and she was unable to return to Thailand. In December 2021, LCS Bishop Rev Lu Guan Hoe invited Rosanna to serve at the TGNC.

Since the pandemic, the centre has changed its mission focus. Many foreign construction workers returned to their home countries while others stayed away. The TGNC’s focus is now on building relationships with Thai women who have married Singaporean men, and who work in the shops surrounding the centre. These women are often from rural Thailand and know little English. Often, they have married in the hope of being able to send money back home, rather than for love. However, TGNC still continues to minister to the construction workers who came to mingle in the building.

Rosanna and parish worker Kawee minister to these women, listen to their challenges and pray for them, encouraging them to release their cares to our Heavenly Father. The Holy Spirit has been present through this ministry and three of the women have been baptised. Each month, the centre distributes food to Thai people living nearby. A tract is included in the packages offering English lessons at the centre.

Rosanna and Kawee have a deep love for the Thai people and want them to know the love of Jesus. The two women recognise their purpose as the same as Paul and Apollos in 1 Corinthians 3. They plant the seed through the Thai Good News Centre, and it is watered, but God makes it grow. They are co-workers in God’s service and thankful that he has allowed them to join in this ministry.

This story was also published in the November 2022 edition of Border Crossings, the magazine of LCA International Mission.

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About the Author : Erin Kerber

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