Passing on the joy of faith

Alin Dagung radiates Christ’s light and joy. She is a pastor serving the Basel Christian Church of Malaysia (BCCM) Mesilou church, which has responsibility for the Ebenezer Home Kindergarten. This kindergarten is available for migrant families who have come from Indonesia to work in nearby farms. Alin has a passion for teaching God’s word to […]

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Caring for the welfare of seafarers

A sea breeze and partly cloudy sky offered temporary relief from the Singapore heat as fishermen huddled under the shade outside the Migrant Workers Welfare Centre, a small container-sized building on the wharves of Jurong Fishery Port (JFP). In June 2023, for the first time in three years, the sailors could finally disembark when they […]

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Life in the freedom of Christ

Ankarat was born into a Buddhist family and although his mother and siblings became followers of Jesus when he was young, he was not convinced to join them. As a Buddhist, Ankarat knew the importance of working diligently, ardently, intelligently, patiently and persistently. He believed his self-sacrificial living would have lasting consequences, although he remained […]

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Learning and interacting online

Twenty volunteers living in South Australia, New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria joined together from five Christian denominations to serve the STT Abdi Sabda Seminary conversational English program overseas in 2023. Each weekday for four weeks, these servants demonstrated the love of Jesus to the young people who are beginning their theological studies to become […]

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Schools serving one another with their gifts

The Bible is filled with images, models and practices of partnership within God, with God and with others, and encourages partnership in the gospel and in mission. ‘Why we should serve in partnership with others’ was one topic for reflection at the recent annual workshop for staff from schools in partnership with Lutheran schools in […]

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Lulan’s journey to wokmeri trening skuls coordinator

Greetings in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ from the coordinator, the staff, the teachers and the board of the four Women’s Ministerial Training Schools (Wokmeri Trening Skuls) of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea (ELC-PNG): – Baitabag Wokmeri Training School in Madang District of Madang Province; – Stang Wokmeri Training School […]

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Offering the extravagant love of the Sower

You know that parable where the farmer sows four lots of seed? The first lot of seed falls on the path where it lies until the birds swoop down and enjoy it for themselves. What the birds don’t eat are trampled by the feet of those who were passing through the fields. The second lot […]

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Strengthening Lutheran identity in Indonesia

In mid-July, KN-LWF together with the HKBP, GKPA, GPP, HKI and GKPI congregations, organised a number of Biblical seminars on the theme of reconciliation. Over several days, Rev Matt Anker taught more than 200 participants, including pastors and deacons, inviting them to deepen their understanding of law and gospel. The law is filled with rules, […]

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LCA International Mission