Practically assisting PNG teachers

Many Australian Lutherans know of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea – perhaps from past missionaries to the country or from media updates.  Perhaps not so well known is the existence of an extensive Lutheran School system across the country. When we think of the words “Lutheran School”, our minds may go to […]

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Ten years of striving together for the gospel

The Lutheran Study Centre (LSC) has recently celebrated its 10th anniversary, under the theme, “Standing together side by side and striving together for the Gospel”. The theme described the aspirations and objective which the LSC has had in place since its inauguration on 9 March 2012. The LSC was established by the Federation of the […]

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God’s goodness through Home of Grace

Home of Grace is a sanctuary for vulnerable, pregnant women, a service offered by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Thailand (ELCT) diakonia department. Since 1986, Home of Grace has offered safe refuge for pregnant women who have been rejected by their community, relatives, and friends. During 2022, 26 women found refuge at Home of Grace. […]

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God-shaped Servanthood

In Scripture, deacons are not ‘called’ (as pastors are) but are qualified by God and chosen by the church. The Greek word for deacon is diakonos and the word used for the gift of service is diakonia. The deacon’s office is the office of a servant. Sister Elisabeth did not think she was friendly or […]

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Schools blessed by overseas partnerships

As international borders began to reopen and Australians started to travel again, LCA International Mission offered staff representatives from Lutheran Education Australia schools with partnerships with Indonesian schools to travel together to Indonesia to re-establish personal connections and explore changes that may need to be made for future student visits. Two staff from Victory Lutheran […]

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A love of learning and a life of serving

Retired Queensland educator Fred Stolz is penning his life story, which he’s called A Fortunate Life. ‘I don’t know why God has blessed me as he has, but I am very thankful’, says 87-year-old Fred as he reflects on his 54 years of service to education in Australia and Papua New Guinea (PNG). The farmer’s […]

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Kindness shared with vulnerable women in Malaysia

The Women’s Care and Counselling Centre (WCCC) is a service of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malaysia (ELCM). The staff involved with WCCC reach out to women who are in vulnerable situations. Here, Deaconess Elizabeth Gopal shares the stories of four women who God gifted the WCCC the opportunity to care for. Approximately three years […]

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Light in Dark Places

Thai Good News Centre held its last service in Golden Mile Complex, a popular hangout for Thai people, on Sunday 19 March 2023 due to the en bloc sale of the building. Bishop Lu was there to preside while Rev Terry Kee gave a sermon on the various responses of man to the gospel, and […]

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The One who brings peaceful dreams

There are many concerns and worries in life: our family’s day-to-day struggles, not having enough finances to pay for our living costs, the decline of those who are involved in worship services, the noticeable changes to the environment and the impact on God’s creation of our rapid population growth. While everyone has worried at some […]

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Absorbing life in New Guinea

I arrived in Madang in 1953. My very first impression was that everything seemed to be in technicolour, as all the colours were brighter and more vivid than in Australia. The hibiscus flowers were a brilliant red and yellow and the trees, palms and plants a very bright green, in stark contrast to the grey-green […]

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LCA International Mission