Boys Brigade fosters a love for Jesus

Kong Chak Mun works for the Lutheran Church in Cambodia (LCC) as an administrator and ministry support person. He was sent by the Lutheran Church in Singapore (LCS) and is financially supported by LCA International Mission. Chak Mun came to faith through the Boys Brigade youth ministry program. Before that, he practised Taoism. His mum […]

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Even dolls can tell of the love of God

When I was a missionary in Thailand, a Finnish missionary, Dr Lilja Kinnunen-Riipinen, taught drama at the Lutheran Institute of Theological Education in Bangkok. Every Lent, she directed a passion play – a drama of Jesus’ trial, suffering, and crucifixion performed by students and church members. One year, she had to cancel the play and was […]

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Cross-cultural exchange brings great blessings

With the support of LCA International Mission and the National Committee of the Lutheran World Federation in Indonesia (KN-LWF), Immanuel Lutheran College (ILC) from Buderim in Queensland developed a partnership with  HKBP SMP and SMA Secondary Schools (junior and senior high schools) in Parapat North Sumatra in 2017. We also connected with a disability service, […]

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PNG Synod an ‘Overwhelming Experience’

Attending the recent opening ceremony of the 33rd Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea (ELC-PNG) was an overwhelming experience – but not because it lasted approximately six hours or because there were an estimated 10,000 people present. Instead, what made this event overwhelming was that for the duration those attending celebrated […]

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Serving to lead others to Christ

The Lutheran Church in Malaysia (LCM) is one of the LCANZ’s overseas partner churches. Among LCM ministries supported by our Lutheran family is its mission alongside the Orang Asli, the indigenous peoples of Peninsular Malaysia. We asked Rev Aaron Yap, who served as Bishop of LCM from 2013 to 2021, to share his thoughts on […]

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Update from Chak Mun

Dear LCA sisters and brothers, Thanks to you for supporting me for the past six years in my mission work for the Lutheran Church in Cambodia (LCC). Next year, it will be my final year journey with them. It has been very difficult for the past two years due to the pandemic. Presently, my role […]

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Sharing encouragement in any language

Martin Luther understood the power and impact of the written word – ‘If you want to change the world, pick up your pen and write’, he wrote. His writing changed the world, from his 95 Theses to translations of Scripture and publications of his sermons, devotions and theological considerations. Luther was dedicated to providing access […]

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Support for scholarships changes lives

In Peninsular Malaysia, which is also known as West Malaysia, there are 18 officially recognised indigenous tribes. The ancestors of these indigenous (Orang Asli) tribes were the first people to populate the peninsula more than 4,000 years ago. Since then, most have continued a hunter-gatherer and small-scale agricultural lifestyle. Being an Orang Asli in Malaysia […]

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Nothing too small for God’s faithfulness

Hoom came to ‘Home of Grace’ directly from a construction site. She was already in the seventh month of her pregnancy. The child’s father had gone his own way before Hoom even knew she was pregnant. She continued working until she could no longer cope with the physically hard work. Hoom called a helpline and […]

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LCA International Mission