Absorbing life in New Guinea

I arrived in Madang in 1953. My very first impression was that everything seemed to be in technicolour, as all the colours were brighter and more vivid than in Australia. The hibiscus flowers were a brilliant red and yellow and the trees, palms and plants a very bright green, in stark contrast to the grey-green […]

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A Gift of Love

After almost 20 years of preparing birthing kits for women in rural areas of Papua New Guinea (PNG), Joan Kluge and her sewing machine are retiring. This article is a tribute to the wonderful contribution which Joan has made over the years, to the church and to our sisters in Christ in PNG. Joan became […]

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Using our skills to serve others

Earlier this year, I coordinated the fourth overseas experience for members of Adelaide Hills Lutheran churches to visit Nan province in north-eastern Thailand. This year’s five participants were members from Trinity Lutheran in Spring Head, St John’s Lutheran in Woodside and Lobethal Lutheran. Our mission was to: assist Lua evangelists and villagers in Ban De […]

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The power of Christian community

“Christian community is not an ideal we have to realize, but rather a reality created by God in Christ in which we may participate. The more clearly we learn to recognize that the ground and strength and promise of all our community is in Jesus Christ alone, the more calmly we will learn to think […]

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Stepping out of comfort zone to share Lutheran teaching

In December 2022, I had an opportunity to do some teaching in Jakarta, Indonesia with groups of Lutheran young people and pastors. I had previously taught Lutheran pastors from South-East Asia online, but this was my first experience teaching face to face in Indonesia, and through an interpreter. The Lutheran church in Indonesia is very […]

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sharing the love of Jesus among the young

Your generous financial donations support the Luther Study Centre, located in Indonesia. The Luther Study Centre was founded because the National Committee of the Lutheran World Federation (KN-LWF) was being asked by church members for more information about Luther’s teachings and Lutheran doctrine. KN-LWF realised that, due to the increasing development of new church doctrines […]

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An oasis under the highway

Little Am is looking forward to a new day in kindergarten. Am lives with his parents and little brother in a small room, in a shed, under the highway. There is no room to run around and play, and so for an active three-year-old it is a dream to be able to come to Home […]

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Give me land with a starry sky above

My birth, to Fred (Fritz) and Julie (or Jula) Mueller in the city of Reutlingen in southern Germany on 6 January 1925, occurred in the middle of the inflation widely experienced in that country during that period. It was an extremely difficult time for all so, after a few years, my father decided to emigrate […]

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LCA International Mission