Encouraged and built up…

Mentoring for the Education Secretaries of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Papua New Guinea and the LWF (Lutheran World Federation) National Committee representing 13 Lutheran Churches in Indonesia, together with delivery of workshops for Indonesian principals and teachers is helping to define what is best practice in Lutheran education and helping to build the capacity […]

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‘Focus on Jesus’: LCA bishop encourages PNG Lutherans

LCA Bishop John Henderson has urged Lutherans in Papua New Guinea (PNG) to stay focused on Jesus as they negotiate the many challenges ahead of them. The congregation, which included Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea Peter O’Neill and several other prominent Lutheran politicians, was gathered for the opening service of the Evangelical Lutheran Church […]

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ACLE draws international visitors

President of Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and Bishop of Jordan and the Holy Land Rev Dr Munib Younan made his first official visit to Australia as a guest of the LCA and Lutheran Education Australia (LEA) from 25 September to 3 October. Bishop Younan was invited to deliver the opening keynote address at the fourth […]

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Building a strong partnership

Wayne Beven is one of four Australians currently working in Papua New Guinea (PNG) through the partnership of LCA International Mission. Many of his life and work experiences— from birth to boilermaker and manager in Broken Hill (NSW), to owning his own businesses in various locations in South Australia —have shaped and made Wayne Beven […]

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Parish Nurses Sent out with a Blessing

The first introduction to the Pastoral Care Nursing course in Papua New Guinea was held at the Lutheran guesthouse in Goroka (Eastern Highlands), on 16 to 18 August, 2013. Representatives from the Lutheran Church of Australia’s (LCA) Parish Nursing, Mrs Lynette and Pastor Robert Wiebusch, were asked to present this course. The invitation was extended […]

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Research sheds light on dark practices

Sorcery and witchcraft, while relegated to the past for most of the Western world, are most definitely in the here and now for Melanesian cultures like our near neighbour, Papua New Guinea (PNG). This year there have been some shocking reports from PNG of ‘witch killings’. The victims are accused of using dark powers to […]

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Many tasks…one goal

Hanna Schulz arrived in Papua New Guinea (PNG) just before Easter 2012 to serve as a linguist and translator. Since her arrival, she’s helped various language groups around the country to translate and use Scripture. This has meant getting stuck into the wide range of tasks which contribute to Bible translation and to discipleship. The […]

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Bible Translation in Papua New Guinea

Hanna Schulz is no stranger to the love of God, ‘disclipling’, languages, hardship and exploring. These opportunities have provided her with the skills and aptitude to survive situations like living and working at sea, or Bible translation within a remote village in Papua New Guinea.  Odd examples to just pluck from thin air, but in […]

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‘We share common ground’: PNG Bishop

Bishop Giegere Wenge of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea (ELCPNG) greeted Synod with a reminder of God’s promise to Isaiah of the power of this word: ‘As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, […]

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LCA International Mission