Lutheran Women help to build foundations

Building foundations might not necessarily be an activity on the calendar of the women’s fellowship meeting. And they may not easily make the connections to building relationships in Myanmar, Indonesia or Papua New Guinea each time they give, make, bake or buy something at the trading table at their Lutheran Women of Australia (LWA) meeting. […]

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Core principals

The LCA has identified the need to work with partner churches to develop capacity of individuals within each country of operation. The partnerships, which are formally documented, are based on needs identified by local people but within the scope of the LCA’s capacity to assist. The National Committee of Lutheran World Federation in Indonesia is the […]

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From my Journal

My eleventh visit to Deborah Orphanage in North Sumatra, was from 29 June to 19 August 2014. The Hulme family from Para Vista came to North Sumatra this year; Bruce, Sonia, five children from twelve to four, and Sonia’s cousin, Vicki Sumner. They were definitely the right people for the venture, culturally sensitive, ready to […]

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A holy unsettling

Our family’s growing cross-cultural awareness and engagement took a big step forwards in July. Together with Sonia’s cousin Vicki, we spent two weeks at Panti Asuhan (literally, ‘house of help’) Debora in northern Sumatra, Indonesia. LCA volunteer Rosemary Winderlich took us all under her wing—no small feat with five children aged between four and twelve! […]

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Encouraged and built up…

Mentoring for the Education Secretaries of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Papua New Guinea and the LWF (Lutheran World Federation) National Committee representing 13 Lutheran Churches in Indonesia, together with delivery of workshops for Indonesian principals and teachers is helping to define what is best practice in Lutheran education and helping to build the capacity […]

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God’s Wingless Angels

For over twenty one years, Mr Jayasingh Rajiah has served as the director of Bethany Home in Malaysia. His leadership, love and care for the children and adults with disabilities who call Bethany ‘home’, and his encouragement and support for the staff who serve there has been inspirational. Jayasingh retired from his role as director […]

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Learning New Things

After some ‘gentle persuasion’ from Glenice Hartwich, we fearfully flew to Indonesia to teach English in Siantar, North Sumatra, not knowing what to expect. Helen Schubert, my wife Audrey and I learned some things and we’d like to share them with you: Imagine a seminary as big as one of our (LCA) secondary colleges. There […]

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ACLE draws international visitors

President of Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and Bishop of Jordan and the Holy Land Rev Dr Munib Younan made his first official visit to Australia as a guest of the LCA and Lutheran Education Australia (LEA) from 25 September to 3 October. Bishop Younan was invited to deliver the opening keynote address at the fourth […]

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My 2013 visit to Debora

On 25 June, Rosemary Winderlich returned to Deborah Orphanage in Indonesia for her tenth time as an LCA Mission International volunteer. Since 2005 Rosemary has travelled to this remote area in the middle of North Sumatra to teach the children life skills, including English. The water pump was broken (again), so the children walked between […]

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Showing 91 to 100 of 133 results
LCA International Mission