I am a Deacon of the Myanmar Lutheran Church (MLC), am married to Mrs Win Swe who loves God so much, and we have a daughter whose name is Rachael. My parents came from an animist background. They offered many sacrifices to the spirits whenever one of us became sick, even though my mother felt […]
I am a Deacon of the Myanmar Lutheran Church (MLC), am married to Mrs Win Swe who loves God so much, and we have a daughter whose name is Rachael.
My parents came from an animist background. They offered many sacrifices to the spirits whenever one of us became sick, even though my mother felt very uncomfortable when the animals were slaughtered for the sake of our healing.
The gospel was brought to our family by a Baptist pastor. He shared how we were created in God’s own image and likeness to be loved by him. And in his love, he saves us from our sins. My mother told my father that they must believe in Christ to be saved and to have peace, as their ritual animal sacrifices could not give them healing and peace. The Holy Spirit created faith in us and, finally, our family believed in Jesus Christ as our Lord.
After four years with the Baptist church, we became members of MLC, and I heard the gospel spoken through the pastors. They taught me how much God loves me. I was so ambitious to learn the word of God in Bible school. My heart yearned to know more about his love and to be equipped to share the gospel with others, so I began theological education at Myanmar Lutheran Seminary. I was taught about Jesus, whose birth, suffering, death and resurrection save us for eternity.
Through the study and as my faith in God has grown, I have come to understand how to support others, how to show love to the most vulnerable and to have a compassionate heart for those in desperate need of hope. As I studied the word of God, my character has grown and been transformed to be more like Christ – to have a self-giving love and to let go of my selfish desires. I continue to grow daily in how to be a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ. And when I fall into temptation, the Holy Spirit creates in me the yearning to repent and reminds me of my forgiveness as a beloved child of God.
After my graduation earlier this year, I am now serving as a Deacon at the Trinity Lutheran Congregation in the Yangon district, where I am assisting the pastors for the ministries of God. Although we continue to face difficulties due to the political tensions in Chin State, I know that God is with me always and provides me with all I need to bring the gospel to all people in Myanmar.
This story was also published in the August 2023 edition of Border Crossings, the magazine of LCA International Mission.
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Read more stories about our partner churches in Myanmar at https://www.lcamission.org.au/category/stories/international-partners/myanmar/
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